What is IBS and IECSC? 

Who attends IBS and IECSC New York?

What types of companies exhibit at the show?

How much does it cost to attend?

When will my badge be mailed?  

My badge has not arrived by mail, what are my next steps?  

My badge was lost or stolen, what do I do?

I arrived at the show but forgot the badge that was mailed to me at home. Now what?  

What if I need special assistance at the show? 

Do PBA members get a discount? 

Will there be a Student program in 2025?

Is there accreditation for the classes offered?

Can I bring my child to the show?

Can I bring my pet to the show?

Are roller bags permitted so I may carry all the incredible products I wish to purchase on the show floor?

How do I get to the Javits Center?

Is there anything else I should know about the show?

Can I exhibit at the show?


Where the Spa, Wellness and Beauty Industry Gathers.

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